Due to the Eaton Fire and recent rains, the condition of the Mount Wilson Trail is very dangerous and it is closed to the public. There is significant damage to the trail from the trailhead all the way up to Orchard Camp. However, the Mount Wilson Trail Race Committee is currently exploring other options for a race, still to be held on Saturday, May 24, 2025. Please stand by … and keep training. We will announce our plans for the 2025 new race soon so that we can open registration. Thank you for your understanding and patience. Please check this website for further news.
In the meantime, please consider making a donation to the Fletcher Trail Maintenance Fund to buy the equipment, materials, supplies, & tools needed by the community volunteers working to restore and rebuild the Mount Wilson Trail. To secure and replace the trail will require an even greater amount of additional equipment, materials, supplies, and tools, well beyond what has been used in the past. All donors to the Fletcher Trail Maintenance Fund will receive a tax-deductible donation acknowledgment letter.
2024 Race Results
2024 Runner Photo Gallery
As one of the oldest trail races in California, the Mt. Wilson Trail Race takes you 8.6 miles from Kersting Court in Sierra Madre to Orchard Camp and back. The elevation gain is over 2160 feet on a winding course that changes regularly due to fire, earthquakes, and erosion. The original path, first used by the Gabrielino Indians, was dug out by Benjamin "Don Benito" Wilson in 1864. Are you ready to join the adventure?
Register Here!